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“I got an unexpected 33% raise this week after finishing $OURCE…33% doesn’t normally happen.” –Jordan T.
“I received a $5,000 deposit into my bank account with the title ‘business loan’ out of nowhere and a day later I received another mysterious $5,000. I have more money and abundance in all areas of my life than I’ve ever had before.” –Rivky G.
“After watching the $OURCE video, I invited my staff to focus our intention and resonate with the universe. Within a minute, my customer service rep’s jaw dropped and he said, “You'll never guess what. We just won the RFP!” By the end of the call, three more big clients came in.” –Jon L.
“My business had its biggest day of sales ever, on a day where I had taken time off to relax and have fun.” –Wana A.